herald_smallFriday 5th November 2010 at 10 am on a crisp November morning set the scene for the first installation of a Master Mason in Lodge Pambula Daylight since 2004. Bro Fred Rubly was initiated in 2005 and progressed to Senior Warden in 2009-2010. His sole remaining sponsor, RW Bro Chappie Munn, represented the Grand Master; and the Master who initiated Fred, VW Bro Kevin Mulcahy, was the Grand Director of Ceremonies. The Installing Master was RW Bro Verner Clements who, at 91, was looking forward to a well earned rest after his year in the chair. 

Fifty Brethren witnessed the ceremony including the Grand Lodge delegation of 16 Grand Officers which included a Past Assistant Grand Master from Sydney in the form of a regular visitor, RW Bro Ralph Britten together with W Bro Kit Lee, Grand Steward and Very Excellent Companion Bryan Davis. The DGIW for District 114, Rod Bradford and Dave Hackett a Past Provincial Grand Standard Bearer from the UK. Our DGIW, Tom Peadon apologised as he is in Queensland as did the Chairman of the Private Lodge's Committee, RW Bro Mike Dalton but the Lodge did have the pleasure of the company of out RGC, RW Bro Graham Charlton. RW Bro Donald Pryde, WM of Montagu Daylight and VW Bro Ray Johnson, Master of Coeur de Lion were also in attendance but in Craft regalia. VW Bro Ken Mitchell from Bairnsdale was also in attendance. The Lodges that were represented were Lodge Bega Remembrance, Lodge Cooma Monaro, Lodge Baddeley, Lodge Eurobodalla Daylight, Lodge Montagu Daylight, Lodge Coeur de Lion, Guilford Lodge Sydney and Lodge Commonwealth (Canberra).



RW Bro Chappie Munn presenting Fred with his installed Master's certificate.



Regional Grand Counsellor presenting Verner with hi Past Master's jewel. He was previously in the chair some 41 years earlier in 1969-70 in Lodge Baddeley. A long time between drinks.


A moment of reflection.



The Worshipful Master presenting the WM of Bairnsdale Daylight Lodge, W Bro Rev. Ted Gibson with the travelling baton.


Rev Ted entertains the Brethren with tales of his love of Sunday night murders of the Midsommer and Agatha Christie variety.



The District 105 Herald, RW Bro Terry Twyford, PJGW, performing his usual role.


Many nice comments have been made about the ceremony, the South and the general friendly and relaxed atmosphere of the morning's activities. It will surely be a morning that Fred will remember with much satisfaction and delight.


Graham Charlton, the RGC, addresses the 70 Brethren and their Ladies in the South. Our caterers, Mary Whitcher and June Sawyers are to be congratulated on the magnificent meal they provided for the Festive Board


Chappie and Fred enjoy a quiet moment in between toasts.


Happy to meet, sorry to part, happy to meet again. To our next merry meeting.

Sadly, sixteen days after Fred's installation, Verner Clements passed to the Grand Lodge above at 8.30pm on 21st November in Bega Hospital.