Saturday Night 1st May saw the reinstallation of RW Bro Kim Taylor, PJGW, into the chair of Lodge Cooma Monaro, 164 on the register of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales andthe Australia Capital Territory. It was an historical ceremony full of deja vous for on the 27th March 1993 Lodge Cooma and Lodge Monaro consolidated as Lodge Cooma Monaro while retaining the number of the latter. The Consolidation Master was W Bro Bernie Alcock and he installed Bro Kim Taylor into the chair at that consolidation meeting just like he did on 1st May this year. The Grand Master's representative was RW Bro Bruce Davies, PAGM and the Grand Director of Ceremonies was RW Bro Warren Bruce, PSGW. The Grand Delegation included RW Bro Graeme Moller, Regional Grand Councellor, and VW Bro Alf Gallina, on his first visit as District Grand Inspector of Workings. Some 30 Brethren from district lodges and Canberra \ attended the meeting.
RW Bro Davies presenting Kim with his Installed Master's certificate.
The delegation of Grand Oficers.
The DGIW presenting W Bro Bill Kelly with his Past Masters jewel.
Immediate Past Master and newly Installed Master.
The Regional Grand Counsellor, RW Bro Graeme Moller and newly conferred Past Assistant Grand Master, RW Hugh Davies still waiting for his new regalia. Congratulations Hugh, well deserved.