It is not customary for this site to feature meetings of Lodges in located in Canberra but on this occassion the historical significance of this meeting warranted a mention. On Saturday night 11th February, Lodge Gowrie #715 (Consecrated 1947), held its 75th annual installation ceremony which in itself is not so special. The historical significance is due to the fact that not only was the Grand Master in attendance but the Installing Master was MW Bro Derek Robson, the Immediate Past Grand Master. It is highly unlikely that this conjunction of Grand Masters has ever happened previously. The Grand Director o Ceremonies and several of the Ceremonial Team were also present. 

Needless to say the Lodge Room at the Mawson Masonic Centre was packed. Over 50 Grand Officers made up the delegation. The ceremony was to re-install W Bro Richard Anderson and the investiture of his officers for the following 12 months. Needless to say the ceremony was near perfection.



 MW Bro Les Hicks presenting Richard with his Installed Master's certificate. 


 TheDelegation of Grand Officers


 Inside the Lodgeroom, over 100 Brethren


 Grand Master, MW Bro Les Hicks, the Worshipful Mastr and MW Bro Derek Robson , Installing Master.


 The longest serving member of the Lodge, RW Bro David Cook, PJGW, cutting the 75th anniversary cake
