On 26th October 2012 the first meeting of the newly consolidated Lodge Eurobodalla Daylight was held in the Moruya Masonic Centre. The new Lodge comprised the original Eurobodalla Daylight and Montagu Daylight which previously met in Narooma, hence the Montagu Island lighthouse photo.
Before the Lodge was opened two Grand Officers acting as sponsors presented the Warrant to VW Bro Rex Williams, the Worshipful Master, and arranged for him to appoint his officers. The Lodge was then opened according to ancient custom. According to the Worshipful Master "the meeting was a happy, spectacular event which augers well for the future of the new Lodge. The members are well united, cooperative and looking forward to years of progress and satisfaction.
The WM thanked VW Bro Kevin Mulcahy and RW Bro Peter Bertram for their assistance in acting as sponsors for the occasion. The luncheon was attended buy around 50 brethren and ladies which was topped off by a beautifully iced fruit cake made and presented by Judy Davis. Visitors came from far and wide including one from Inverell and one from Victoria and three from Goulburn.
All who attended.
The Worshipful Master and his officers.
Frank Hawdon (left) who celebrated his 90th birthday by jumping from and aeroplane 14,000 feet up and free falling for 9,000 of them. He also raised a goodly amount for charity. Also W Bro Nigel Neilson.
W Bro Jack Edwards and Bro Duncan Wilson.
W Bro Graham Dove and W Bro Bill Dudley.
A wonderful time was had by all who attended.
(Photographs courtesy of VW Bro Rod Bradford)