120 years have elapsed since the consecration of Lodge Baddeley and the installation of its first Master in 1892. On Saturday 5th May 2012 W Bro Neil Dawson was reinstalled as Worshipful Master with much the same ceremony that took place 120 years earlier. Neil was initiated in Lodge Baddeley and was installed in the chair for the first time in 2008.
The Grand Master's representative was the DGIW VW Bro Tom Peadon who was accompanied by a small but impressive delegation.
RW Bro Russell Yelds PJGW, RW Bro Chappie Munn PJGW, RW Bro Hugh Davies PJGW, RW Bro Terry Twyford PJGW, (Herald), VW Bro Kevin Mulcahy PDGDC (GDC), (Front) RW Bro Graham Charlton PAGM, DGIW VW Bro Tom Peadon, RGC RW Bro Graham Davies, RW Bro Bruce Davies PAGM (Photographer).
Reinstallation certificate presentation by the DGIW.
The Immediate Past Master, Ernie Whitcher, being presented with his Past Masters jewel. Despite a continuing battle with ill health, Ernie put his hand up to be installed as Master in May 2011 without any oppostion. The stress of the year's work took its toll on his health and a week after this installation Ernie found himself in Pambula Hospital with a dose of pneumonia. Fortunately he is responding to treatment and should be back home in a few days.
Presentation to Harley Jenkins of his Master Mason's certificate by the Representative.
RGC Graham Davies presenting 60 year certificates to W Bro Reg Hart, W Bro Mal Neimeier and W Bro John Ronan.
180 years of combined Freemasonry.
RW Bro Chappie Munn celebrating his 65th wedding anniversary, VW Bro Kevin Mulcahy celebrating his 50th wedding anniversary, RW Bro Graham Charlton celebrating his retirement as RGC and RW Bruce Davies just celebrating.
Our official photographer RW Bro Bruce Davies with Graham Charlton.
The delegation prior to entering the Lodgeroom.
RW Bro Terry Twyford with June Sawyers one half of the catering team. Ernie's wife Mary was somewhere in the background.
The Worshipful Master and the Installing Master Fred Spalding who did a great job.
The Worship Master and his lovely wife, Joanne.
The festive board.
Feeding the troops.
Ah! There's Mary, bless her.
More troopsfrom Cooma, Bombal and Canberra.
The Representative giving us some words of wisdom.
Until next year.