RW Bro Wal Hopkinson, PSGW, presenting RW Bro Warren Bruce, PJGW, with his Installed Master's certificate at the 124th Installation ceremony of the Mountain Lodge, Bombala on Saturday 1 November 2014. 22 years have passed since Warren's first term as Master of this Lodge which is one of the oldest in New South Wales. Wal was delighted to have been appointed as the Grand Master's representative on this occasion as he is now a members of Lodge Ethos, Canberra, which has a close fraternal relationship with the Mountain Lodge. He was supported by a delegation of 11 Grand Officers (below). There were 12 visitors from other Lodges namely Lodge Cooma Monaro, Lodge Coeur de Lion, Lodge Bega Remembrance, the Orbost Lodge, Pambula Daylight and Lodge Ethos. RW Bro Russell Yelds, PJGW, was the Grand Director of Ceremonies for the evening and carried out his task with his usual infectiously happy manner.
The delegation of Grand Officers.
The DGIW, Neil Dawson presenting the IPM, Franz Grothe, with his well deserved jewel.
Wal having a few words with Bro Bob Stuart, a Fellowcraft, who is also the local Mayor.
Wal welcoming W Bro George Bennett of the Orbost Lodge, Victoria, who is always a regular visitor to the Mountain Lodge. There is a strong fraternal bond between these two Lodges.
VW Bro Kevin Turnbull, PDGDC, who was the recent recipient of conferred Grand Rank in recognition of his many years as Secretary of the Lodge and his contribution to the local community.
Some of the 36 brethren who attended the South which was catered for by the Ladies of the Lodge in typical country style for which this Lodge is well known.
The Grand Master's representative responding to the toast to the Grand Master.
The newly installed Master responding to the toast to himself and his officers.
VW Bro Ray Johnston, immediate Past DGIW of District 114 presenting the travelling gavel on behalf of the Master of Lodge Eurobodalla Daylight. This was a tradtion in District 114 and with the amalgamations of that district and 105, the tradion has been extended to further bring the two districts together as this photo demonstrates. The gavel will be handed over to the next Master to be installed in the new district 49 which will be Pambula Daylight on 15 November.
The enthusiasm and dedication demonstrated by the Brethren of the Mountain Lodge and the emotion which was felt during the ceremony augers well for the success of the Lodge during the forthcoming year.
124 years old and going strong.