On Saturday 25th October the mastership of Lodge Ethos in Canberra changed hands with the installation of Bro Ken Rowlands. He was very capably installed by the retiring Master RW Bro Hugh Davies in the presence of RW Bro Peter Camiller representing the Grand Master. Grand Steward Rob Nash filled in as GDC for the evening in place of RW Bro Russell Yelds who had a mobility problem. While Lodge Ethos is not within the bounds of District 49 it does have close fraternal ties with at least 2 of the Lodges in the former district 105 namely the Mountain Lodge, Bombala and Lodge Coom Monaro.
Ken in his new role as Worshipful Master.
The delegation of Grand Officers including the Regional Grand Counsellor, RW Bro Geoff Ludowyk, the DGIW VW Bro Garry Sweeney and VW Bro Irwin Prowse who celebrated his 100th birthday in August. He is 2nd from left in the middle row.
Peter Camiller preenting Ken with his Installed Master's certificate.
Garry Sweeney presenting Hugh Davies with his Immediate Past Master's jewel.
W Bro Rudi Koch presenting Ken with a pair of original Ethos cufflinks which belonged to the late Bro Bill Arnott
Ken and his Junior Warden, Bro James Ellis, cutting the cake.
RW Bro Graham Charlton, PAGM from Ethos, RW Bro Russell Yelds PJGW and RW Bro Warren Bruce, PJGW, both from the Mountain Lodge.
Photographs courtesy of RW Bro Bruce Davies, Lodge Cooma Monaro.