On Saturday night, 20th Septemebr, W Bro Ray Spencer was re-installed in the chair of King Solomon of Lodge Bega Remembrance by RW Bro Malcom Privett in the preence of the Grand Master's representative, RW Bro Allan Brown who was recently promoted to the rank of Past Assistant Grand Master. The Grand Director of Ceremonies for the evening was VW Bro Kit Lee, PDGDC. Thirteen Grand Officers were present along with 13 visiting Brethren from Cooma, Bombala, Moruya and Pambula, as well as 8 members of the Lodge.
RW Bro Allan Brown presenting W Bro Spencer with his Certificate of Installation:-
The Grand delegation entered the Lodge in the 1st degree to witness a unique, historic and moving ceremony where the District Grand Inspectors of Workings for district 105 and 114 installed V W Bro Neil Dawson as DGIW for the newly created District 49 which is an amalgamation of the two former districts. V W Bro Kevin Mulcahy, DGIW 105, presented Neil with his new collar jewel and V W Bro Ray Johnston, DGIW 114 presented the Patent of Office. The grand Master's Representative then congratulated each officer in turn and wished V W Bro Dawson an enjoyable and productive two year term in office.
This ceremony is unique in that some 63 Masonic districts in New South Wales have been reduced to34 for the first time in the history og the United Grand Lodge of NSW and ACT. See the item on Regions and Districts in the index to the left.
A highlight of the evening was a visit to the Lodge by Bro David Porter who, while being a local, is currently a member of Lodge Pinatubo in the Philippines. David visited the Lodge at its installation last year and while he was back home in the Philippines he arranged for a plaque to be made which he presented to the Worshipful Master at the conclusion of the installation ceremony:-
The Festive Board reflected the happy mood of the evening and some 40 brethren, ladies and visitors enjoyed a hearty meal and some great toasts and responses. A tradition in District 114 of presenting the travelling gavelto the next newly installed Master wasadopted and continued by the new district Lodges. The District Inspector, Neil Dawson, was afforded the honour of presenting the gavel to the Worshipful Master who in turn will present it to the next Master to be installed which will be at Lodge Coeur de Lion - Narooma on 4th October.
The Festive Board :-
RW Bro Allan Brown PAGM and the Grand Director of Ceremonies for the evening, VW Bro Kit Lee, PDGDC.